Quality Care Deserves Quality Pay

The work we do, we do it with pride, we do it with dignity and we do it to put bread on the table, but to Sage’s trustees this is not ‘decent work’, it is not ‘a real job’.

“People are asking why we are striking? We have worked and worked in this pandemic, but when an employee, whether they’re a domestic, a cleaner, laundry staff, maintenance worker or a carer voices their opinion, there is a barrier, there is a block, they are ignored; why is this happening? It is happening because our bosses look at us like we’re nothing. The work we do, we do it with pride, we do it with dignity and we do it to put bread on the table, but to Sage’s trustees this is not ‘decent work’, it is not ‘a real job’.

Well, we’ve got news for those trustees, we might not wear a suit and tie, but we look after the residents at Sage, we care for the elderly and the vulnerable in the local Jewish community, and we do it with compassion and pride. For us, this is a profession, and it is a dignified one. But unfortunately, striking has turned to be the only way we can make our voices heard.

“We are simply asking for recognition for what we do and to be paid a living wage”

We are simply asking for recognition for what we do and to be paid a living wage and to have rights that recognise the value of our work. We want the community in Golders Green, and society in general, to treat us like human beings. This is why we are asking for a living wage of £12 per hour and full pay sick pay and annual leave that matches what they have in the NHS. We should not be forced to come to work when sick and put our health, and the health of the residents in danger.

“We want an end to the discrimination and the inequality”

We want an end to the discrimination and the inequality, the last thing we wanted to do was go on strike, we simply want basic respect and dignity and to be able to get on with our job which is caring for the residents. And I hope that after this first round of strikes, Sage will see sense and do the right thing so we can all get back to work, but we will not stop until we are treated with respect”.

You can support the striking careworkers by donating to their crowdfunder here

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